
Alphabet C

After attending Jann's class, I was excited to get something going with K. Upon much consideration, I decided to do the following activity with him.

Why did I start with alphabet C? Because I can find more objects at home beginning with alphabet C. Haha.

Here's what we did:

I prepared the box as follows:

I held the box and sang to the tune of the magic box (which is what we do at JG), then I got K to tap the box.

I showed K the flashcard and read it to him. Then, I pronouned the phonetic sound for him. (I started with lowercase as that is more frequently seen in books etc)

After that, he took the objects out of the box one by one as I identified them respectively. As his mood was pretty good that night, I extended the activity a little by writing down the words as well. Then, we traced the alphabet using his Montessori sandpaper letters.

To end off, I gave him a candy from the box.

I repeated the same activity the following night and replaced some objects. K was elated when he saw cheese.

The whole activity didn't take us longer than 15 minutes. Depending on the age/ attention span of your child, you may consider adjusting the number of objects accordingly.

Needless to say, one of our bedtime reads those nights included one of his favourite book -  "The hungry caterpilar". Will be sharing more on reading tips shortly, stay tuned!
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